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The ten commandments of Xuanwupai disciple

Daomonk- Michu


Wǔdāng xuánwǔ pài dìzǐ shíjiè

The ten commandments of Xuanwupai disciple

Anyone who becomes a disciple and is such a lineage holder of Xuawupai should take these to heart and yet also for all students who are on the path should try to follow them, as these make the path easier and also promote understanding to also become a disciple or a righteous cultivator.


Yī jiè lìzhì bù jiān, túyǒuxūmíng

1. Be resolute and watch your reputation, desist from false glory.


Èr jièxīn xiōng xiázhǎi, bù nà zhōngyán

2. Be open-minded for your pure heart to accept the righteous advice.


Sān jiè qīngfú xū kuā, bùzhī shēnqiǎn

3. Don't be frivolous and arrogant or you will never reach the depths.


Sì jiè kuángwàng zì dà, wéiwǒdúzūn

4. Be humble and purify your ego otherwise you will become selfish, arrogant and lose yourself.


Wǔjiè chěngqiáng dòu hěn, xūróng hàoshèng

5. Be merciful and not quarrelsome or it will end in a fight.


Liù jiè shé wú jìnjì, yì rén zhīguò

6, Be modest of words and refrain from remarks about others' mistakes.


Qī jiè xū dān shī míng, wù rén zǐdì

7. Be an example and do not abuse the name of the master, otherwise, you deceive (fool) yourself as others.


Bā jiè tóngchòu zhī qū, jiānshāng qìxí

8. Keep the way and not the money or the smell will stick to you and you will go blind.


Jiǔ jiè zì jīn zì shǎng, gùbùzìfēng

9. Be appreciative of yourself but not complacent or you will prevent yourself from moving forward.


Shíjiè bùjìng shī dào, wúqíng wú yì

10. Be respectful to your master and the Xuanwupai respect the way and do not be disloyal.

>Translated and interpreted by Daomonk- Michu- Tang Wei Zhen >>> 12.2021 <

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